Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Birthday Bum

Litterally! We have had a blast of a week this past week! Thanks to hurricane Ike, we were without power for 5 days, though I can honestly say it was fun! Lots of hanging out with neighbors and being outside and working around the house/yard! We also did a lot of celebrating of Avery's birthday! We had visits from both sets of Nanas and Papas, which was awesome, as well as a super fun birthday party! Our sweet little girl is growing up! I keep hearing the 3s are worse than the 2s, if that is the case, well "Lord, help!" Though I do pray that everyday anyway!! More pics to come of avery's birthday ect.! I couldn't resist this picture of a different side of the birthday girl!


Allison Walton said...

she's like the Coppertone girl!

Heather said...

Happy Birthday Avery! We miss you and love you! Tell Momma you want to come visit Auntie Heather and the girls in CA for your bday:) gift.

You are accurate in your statement about 3s being more of a challenge than 2s----hope Avery is an exception:). We miss you guys!

Ryan and Lori said...

Love the picture of the birthday "bum!"

Kelli said...

Happy birthday, Avery! We miss you!

Tony & Jaimie said...

too cute! I do love the booty shots! I can't believe how long her hair is getting - beautiful birthday girl. Happy Birthday Avery - we love you!