It is so funny how time changes things. When avery was turning one, I was eager for her to walk and grow up and be a big girl. And now with sadness in my tone, I have to announce that my sweet little baby Lerran is growing. Though not walking yet and not talking to much, she is getting big. She is learning to pretend, read books, and sadly yes talk on the phone! Her lack of hair still keeps her looking young, but is on the upward climb. Speaking of climbing, that is her favorite thing to do she'll climb anything, stairs, slides, rock walls, you! She is a delight for now is still my little baby!!
When you sit down to read books with her, she wants no part in it unless she can hold the book and do all the pointing!
Pretty excited about her new skills with the push toys!
Guilty face, I just stole this phone from my sister :O).
They do grow up way too fast don't they? I'm trying to savor every minute with Karis. Lerran is a cutie. I love her big brown eyes! Miss you guys!
These are sweet pictures! I love her "bald" head - it does keep them baby longer :) Keep the updates and pictures coming!
Such cute Pics of little Lerran!! I'm out of town again, but we'll have to finally get together when I get back to KY.
I really wish we could keep them little longer!!! All 3 of mine are starting Pre-school in a few days and I can hardly keep from crying!!! Both your girls are beautiful.
I didn't realize you had a blog! Yay!
Fun to catch up with you a bit! Are you un-crazy yet? I would love to see you :)
I know what you mean about growing up to fast my averi (pronounced Avery too) is four and a half months and I can not believe how fast time has gone! A side note my sweet girl is as bald as all get out...I think it is the cutest thing...except on the rare occasions when she is referred to as a boy!
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