Sunday, July 13, 2008

Whate'er My God Ordains is Right

I don't know how often music speaks to my soul...but it happened today! After an amazing message on prayer at church, Fellowship Church Louisville, the band led us in this song of worship. The words are incredible and the lyrics equally so. This is what I want my prayer to be through life! Listen to a short clip on indelible grace's website: Enjoy!

Whate'er My God Ordains Is Right

1. Whate’er my God ordains is right,Holy His will abideth.I will be still whate’er He does,And follow where He guideth.He is my God,Though dark my road.He holds me that I shall not fallWherefore to Him I leave it all
2. Whate’er my God ordains is right,He never will deceive meHe leads me by the proper path,I know He will not leave meI take, content,What He hath sentHis hand can turn my griefs awayAnd patiently I wait His day
3. Whate’er my God ordains is right,Though now this cup in drinkingMay bitter seem to my faint heart,I take it all unshrinkingMy God is true,Each morn anewSweet comfort yet shall fill my heartAnd pain and sorrow shall depart
4. Whate’er my God ordains is right, Here shall my stand be takenThough sorrow, need, or death be mine, Yet I am not forsakenMy Father’s careIs round me thereHe holds me that I shall not fallAnd so to Him I leave it all
©1998 David Braud Music.

1 comment:

Jeff Miller said...


Thanks for sharing this song - it speaks right to the heart of what God is teaching me about prayer. Namely, to pray that I would know His promises in whatever circumstances I face vs. praying for the 'path of least resistance.' Anyway, very timely.


btw - you'll probably hear from Heather but our girls LOVED the dresses and wore them all day yesterday as soon as the mail came. Thanks.